According to the public relations report of Omid Investment Management Group, Ayatollah Ebrahimi, CEO of Sepeh Bank, designing business lines in accordance with the environmental conditions and new mission, updating the existing technology, establishing a comprehensive banking system, transforming Sepeh Bank into the largest digital bank in the Middle East and at the level of the revolution. Eslami also announced that becoming a role model in helping to achieve the goals of the resistance economy is one of the main goals and priorities of this bank.
He stated: Today's health of Sepeh Bank is the result of more than 9 decades of efforts and efforts of the bank's managers and employees. Ebrahimi, referring to the efforts of the country's banks to make a profit through non-banking activities, said: According to the existing regulations, less banks than financial intermediaries are able to make a profit, and in the field of services, the fees received from customers do not meet the current costs of the banks. In order to earn money, they are forced to turn to various activities such as entrepreneurship.
According to Ebrahimi, the continuation of the process of earning profits for banks through entrepreneurship has risks; For this reason, the relevant organizations should first act on new regulations and actualize the rates and then provide the grounds for banks to withdraw from business. In another part of his speech, the CEO of Sepeh Bank, referring to the merger of banks affiliated with the armed forces in Sepeh Bank, said: Today, while the first Iranian bank has become the largest bank in the country, there are five private banks with different platforms and in different business areas. Together with the Sepeh State Bank, they operate as a single bank, which is why the conditions for finalizing the merger have become so complicated that this matter will be resolved soon with the help of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance and the Central Bank.
Ebrahimi reminded: The integration of banks affiliated with the armed forces in Sepeh Bank, along with some challenges, also created favorable opportunities for this bank, which we must use these opportunities properly. He pointed out that in crises and hardships, great people are discovered, the current situation of Sepeh Maidan Bank is a test for the dear managers and employees of this bank.
The CEO of Sepe Bank called taking care of the human resources and promoting empathy and synergy among the employees as one of the most important priority programs of this bank and said: all the problems and issues of the bank will be solved by relying on the human resources of this bank, therefore, the human resources of the banks should be resolved as soon as possible. To organize and mobilize a merger with unity and empathy to achieve the goals and vision of the bank. While emphasizing the use of all the capabilities and capacities of Sepeh Bank, he stated: This bank needs managers who break the deadlock and rely on God's help to pave the way for the bank's excellence in a short period of time.
Ebrahimi considered having a young workforce as the biggest strength of Sepeh Bank and said: more than 75% of the bank's employees have less than 20 years of service, and this will be one of the biggest competitive advantages and the first and last golden opportunity for the youth of Sepeh Bank. Therefore, we must use this exceptional opportunity of the bank optimally. He emphasized that today, a large number of employees and managers of Sepeh Bank are among the Mujahidin Sadiq in Sabil Allah, who are ready to dedicate their valuable capital and precious stones of their youth to serve Islam and the people. The managers and employees of Sepeh Bank are ready to serve Islam and the people. are.
By God's grace, by making maximum use of the available opportunities and continuous jihad and revolutionary efforts, and with the assurance of the fulfillment of God's promises, in the near future, they will turn this bank into the largest digital bank in the Middle East and at the level of the Islamic Revolution. Managing Director of Sepeh Bank, developing strategic transformation plans, establishing a comprehensive banking system and operationalizing the transformation plan in the field of technology, designing business lines in accordance with environmental conditions and missions, re-engineering the organizational structure, redesigning the special model of serving special customers, improving operational indicators, especially reducing outstanding claims. And he listed the bank's profit and loss management as one of the other important programs of this bank.
At the end, Ebrahimi informed about Sepeh Bank's readiness to play a role in helping to achieve the goals of the resistance economy and noted: This bank will try to be a good example in the field of helping to implement the resistance economy in the country through the activities of its subsidiary companies and banking activities.